![]() Warning! Cliché ahead... Here I am signing Secret of the Song at the Devon and Exeter Institution. I wrote almost the entire book at this august library and while I was tapping away, I imagined this very scene. Yes, it's a dream come true! I mention clichés because I made a very brief appearance on N.Ireland's Radio Downtown. Can you make an appearance on the radio? It sounds all wrong, but anyway, they phoned me on National Cliché Day! Help! That sounds even more wrong. Why me? I blame search engines. Apparently, I mentioned the dreaded 'c' word in a blog post and merely searching for it will lead you to this site. Be careful what you write, folks. It isn't a connection I'm particularly proud of, but hey, it all promotion. I was on the radio for about thirty seconds and CreativeWritingMatters got a mention. Excellent. Which brings me back to yesterday. I like meeting people and having spend so much time nose to screen, squirrelled away in an upstair room at the DEI, it was great to be in the library itself. Thank you to those who stopped and chatted and thank you very very much to those who bought my book. Secret of the Song is accumulating lots of amazing 5* reviews on Amazon. There's an extract from one below (I don't know Welsh Annie, but somehow I think I'd really like her) but Kindle sales are sinking, so for a limited time it's on promotion. Please help me avoid Secret of the Song becoming plankton in the Kindle Sea! It's only £0.99p for 48hours on Sunday 15th and Monday 16th November. Click on the cover, download and I'll buy you half a cup of coffee next time...
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